Sunday, 1 May 2016

IMPORTANT WEBSITES - The top sites are most relevant to the Birth to 8 contexts

IMPORTANT WEBSITES - The top sites are most relevant to the Birth to 8 contexts


  • Attached Files:
    Early Childhood Australia will advocate to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of children from birth to eight years.
  • ACECQA is an independent national authority based in Sydney. One of their roles is to educate and inform the community about the importance of improving outcomes in children's education and care. They also provide government, the sector and families with access to current research to ensure National quality framework [NQF] policy and service delivery is in line with best practice. ACECQA guides the implementation of the NQF for early childhood education and care nationally to ensure consistency in delivery. Follow this link to receive their newsletter.  
  • ECTA Inc., the Early Childhood Teachers Association comprises Queensland registered teachers and others interested in the work of early childhood professionals committed to promoting early childhood education philosophy and the ongoing development of quality care and education for young children.
  • Information on ECTA

    Attached Files:
     Here is some information on membership to the Early Childhood Teacher's Association (ECTA). Highly recommended!
  • Established in 1907, C&K is proud to be the largest and longest established provider of community based early childhood education and care services in Queensland.
  • The Australian institute for teaching and school leadership. This also provide links to the new National Standards for teachers which will be implemented from 2013.
  • The Department of Education, Training and Employment website.
  • The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for developing the National Curriculum from kindergarten to Year 12 in specific learning areas.
  • The Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what all Australian students should be taught, regardless of where they live or their background. For Foundation -10, it means that students now have access to the same content, and their achievements can be judged against consistent national standards.
  • The College was established by the Education (Queensland College of Teachers) Act 2005, as an independent professional body representing all members of the Queensland teaching profession and commenced operations on 1 January 2006.
  • Productive Pedagogies form part of the Education Queensland Department’s New Basics project.
  • A site for those interested in knowing what Education Queensland offers to assist teachers with classroom management.  The strategies on this site may be implemented at your school during your field experience.
  • Montessori Australia site - The Montessori approach aims to foster children's love of learning and encourages independence by providing an environment of activities and materials which children use at their own pace
  • The QCAA develops and revises syllabuses and guidelines for the Kindergarten Year to Year 12 and accredits syllabuses and guideline prepared outside of the QCAA. It also offers services and resources to help teachers implement QCAA syllabuses.
  • An independent school is a non-government school that is governed, managed and accountable at the level of the individual school.
  • Queensland Anglican schools are committed to achieving outstanding standards of education for young Queenslanders.
  • Steiner schools have a unique and distinctive approach to educating children, aiming to enable each stage of growth to be fully and vividly enjoyed and experienced.
  • Very practical Australian parenting website funded by the Australian Government. The team of expert advisors includes QUT staff, in particular Dr Donna Berthelsen and Dr Marilyn Campbell from our Faculty.

Books for children aged 0-5

There are many great books for children aged 0-5 available from one of Queensland's more than 300 local libraries. Search for your local library External Link.

Books your local librarian recommends may include those on the following list:
Suggested booklist
ABCMcDonnel, Fiona
All about meMcKinnon, Debbie
Baby bilby where do you sleep?Oliver, Narelle
Baby bird's blankieWild, Margaret
Baby wombat's weekFrench, Jackie
BelindaAllen, Pamela
Bertie and the bearAllen, Pamela
Big red hen and the little lost eggWild, Margaret
Boo to a gooseFox, Mem
Brown bear, brown bear what do you seeMartin Jr, Bill and Carle, Eric
(The) cat in the hatDr Seuss
Cows in the kitchenCrebbin, June and McEwen, Katharine
Crocodile boatJorgensen, Gail and Mullins, Patricia
Dear ZooCampbell, Rod
Early learning big book of Australian natureParish, Steve
Fuzzy bee and friendsPriddy, Roger
Going shoppingGarland, Sarah
Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's DairyDodd, Lynley
Here come Poppy and MaxGardiner, Lindsey
HugAlborough, Jez
I went walkingMachin, Sue and Vivas, Julie
Kiss kissWild, Margaret
Let's get a pupGraham, Bob
(The) little yellow diggerGilderdale, Betty and Alan
Maisie's bedtimeCousins, Lucy
Old MacDonald had a barnGublis, Stephen
On your potty!Miller, Virginia
Owl babiesWaddell, Martin and Benson, Patrick
Possum magicFox, Mem
Rosie's walkHutchins, Pat
Shhh! Little mouseAllen, Pamela
Spot goes on holidayHill, Eric
Ten in the bedDale, Penny
That's not my teddyWatt, Fiona and Wells, Rachel
Time for bedFox, Mem and Dyer, Jane
Toddlerobics animal funNewcombe, Zita
dePaola, TomieTomie's baa baa black sheep and other rhymes
(The) very hungry caterpillarCarle, Eric
We're going on a bear huntRosen, Michael and Oxenbury, Helen
What colour are your knickers?Llyod, Sam
(The) wheels on the busDan, Penny
Where is the green sheep?Fox, Mem
Where the wild things areSendak, Maurice
Where's my teddy?Alborough, Jez
(The) wide-mouthed frogFaulkner, Keith and Lambert, Jonathan
Who sank the boat?Allen, Pamela
Whose tail?Rowe, Jeannette
Wombat diaryFrench, Jackie
Yo Yo goes to the beachRowe, Jeannette
Za-za's baby brotherCousins, Lucy